viernes, 5 de junio de 2015


Learning a second language at school before, it looked like an obligation for the student, because there was no reason why learn it. Now; although we do not know whether to say "in consequence of" or "thanks to" the globalization of economic, technological, social and cultural process; learning a second language went from being an obligation, to a need.

In order to not go so far back in history; where the divisions of social class were so marked and there were two different types of bilingualism in Colombia as the so-called "elite bilingualism"[1] aimed at the elite class of this time who needed to learn another language besides of Spanish like English, French or German for being socially accepted and Bilingualism of the indigenous communities considering their native language (Creole), needed first, learn the Spanish language itself, even after the constitution of 1991 in its Article 10 recognizes the languages and dialects of ethnic groups as official in their territories and the education provided in communities with their own linguistic traditions will be bilingual[2]; we can say that the development of bilingualism in Colombia occurred since the creation of the National Bilingual Program stipulated by the Ministry of National Education of Colombia in 2004.

It is noteworthy that this Bilingualism program was established to give a focus of  the law 115 of February the 8th, 1994 known as the General Law of Education which has one of the specific objectives set out in Article 21: "The acquisition of elements of conversation and reading at least one foreign language"[3] and in Article 22: "the understanding and ability to speak a foreign language"[4] as well as Article 5 that talks about the purpose of education in Colombia, among theseone which says: "The study and critical understanding of national culture and ethnic and cultural diversity of the country, as the basis of national unity and its identity"[5].

In his time, Juan Carlos Grimaldo, Bilingualism Program Manager in 2004 proposed to strengthen the teaching of English as a foreign language in preschool, elementary, secondary, University programs for work and human development, he also wanted strengthen the English language as a second language in bilingual schools and finally he was looking to innovate in ethnic education and ethnic communities establishing Spanish as their second language.

As a result of this program two documents that have a bit more contextualized the program goals established during the period 2004-2019 emerged.

One of these important documents was the series of "curriculum guidelines for Foreign Languages", headed by the then Minister of Education German Alberto Bula Escobar was looking raise the basic ideas that would serve as guidance and support for teachers of second languages (foreign) in their definitions relating to curriculum development within the institutional school projects[6].

Also in 2005, along with her team, the Minister of Education Cecilia Maria Velez White, within the "Education Revolution -Colombia Learn" program, created the Guide No. 22 which establishes the "Basic Standards of competence in foreign languages English, "that in order to improve the quality of the education system and in order to adapt to current and future requirements of the country so that all the purposes of the education system are unified in a coherent way, reason why these standards are coupled to the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment." describing the gradual scale of Language levels is managing by the student. Now although the decision to learn a second language can be very ambiguous because the reasons for the person want to learn, it depends solely of him, There are several general reasons why so.

According to statistics of the previous year, one in ten Colombians speak English and it was confirmed that 7.2% of students have the opportunity to access the english, basic language[7].
Perhaps one of the most common reasons why people learn English, is the necessity to increase employment opportunities, to be more competent, enhance their professional profile or simply as a personal growth. People who know two languages have many chances to be elected in a process of recruitment of a company, irrespective the economic sector where it is performed, and much more if you want to have an executive or senior rank in multinational companies.

Last year, the President of the Republic of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos and former Minister of Education María Fernanda Campo, giving continuity to the Bilingual Program created in 2004, they explained to the whole country The "National English Program 2015 -2025 - COLOMBIA VERY WELL "an integrated, intersectoral and long term project which is looking for students can use English as a tool to communicate with the world and improve their employment opportunities[8].
Currently, the Minister of National Education Gina Parody, presented to the country the strategies implemented by the Ministry, through the Project for Strengthening Skills Development in Foreign Languages, and the recent enactment of the Law of Bilingualism (Law 1651 of 2013).

It is important to know each of the policies and conditions that govern the teaching and learning of English as a second language in Colombia since they are the basis and basis for analyzing the needs and characteristics of this process likewise to propose innovative strategies to improve language teaching as future teachers in the country.

[1] De Mejia  Anne- Marie, The National Bilingual Programme in Colombia: Imposition or opportunity?, 2011
[2] Article 10 Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991
[3] Article 21 The General Law of Education of Colombia (law 115 of February the 8th, 1994)
[4] Article 22 The General Law of Education of Colombia (law 115 of February the 8th, 1994)

[5] Article 5 The General Law of Education of Colombia (law 115 of February the 8th, 1994)
[6] MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA, Lineamientos Curriculares para Idiomas Extranjeros, 2005.


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